Tuesday, November 10, 2009

In-class writing assignment 11/10

Compare & Contrast Practice Topics

1. Compare and contrast the overall play of Brazil’s national football team with that of the UAE’s. Say which of these two teams you would rather watch and why.

2. Compare and contrast arranged versus love marriages. Say which one you would prefer if given the choice and why.

3. Single gender classes are the norm here in the UAE. Compare and contrast this kind of class with mixed classes. Say which on you would prefer and give the reasons for your choice.

4. Compare and contrast living in Dubai versus living in Abu Dhabi. Say which city you would prefer to live in and give the reasons for your choice.

5. Here at Abu Dhabi Men’s College we have a mixture of male and female instructors. Compare the two and say which of the two you would prefer. Explain the reasons for your choice.

6. Last semester you studied in the Foundations Program. Now you are studying in Higher Diploma. Compare the two programs. State which one you prefer and give the reasons.

7. Compare and contrast having a house maid versus the option of a stay at home mother. Say which you prefer and give reasons.

8. Fast-food fulfills a need for busy people. Compare and contrast fast food versus home-cooked meals. State your preference for one and say why.

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